
"The Monnalisa is one of the artworks in the world, reflects the beauty of women inpainting, although there are several myths about this painting, the beauty is not similar to anything and the history that this painting is very particular, since its beginning to impactthe world." 


Art for me is inspiration because it is one of the healthiest ways to express emotions and feelings.

A big inspiration is DaVinci, who with his great works to show his thoughts and emotions, as Monalissa, although not a perfect womanand has no enviable beauty but his smile says a lot. 

  • Sculpture

Sculpture is an art very important for the world and with that have told stories of ancestors and we have seen that people were outstandingseasons old, but now with photography sculpture is only used to express.


the oil is one of the oldest paintings in the world and one of the best when working on a canvas, the olio is known for one of the strangest features, which is definitely on the dry period of 2 years .
One of the places where art in variety and quantity, is is a website where graphic designers, artists and young people interested in art can upload their designs and sell them to be appreciated by everyone for the price of 1 dollar.

many people have become famous with the simple fact of being creative.

lets talk about KRIS TATE 

An artist who has discovered in recent months, is of Guatemalan origin, but now lives on the outskirts of Manchester, she always remains in the same sense of humor chapin that identifies us all, is a very honest and noble, has about 30 years and his life are the parties and the pleasure of good food and good music.

One of the most famous magazines in Guatemala in which we can find what it is: art, fashion, music and all sorts of things unknown but very interesting.