
photography is a way to express themselves through a landscape or a person, capturing the moment, can be a magical moment which does not happen again but for people is very significant, is alsophotography studio which can be used to magazines, celebrities, or for example the paparazzi are people who follow celebrities andtake pictures of what they are doing 

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Photography as high art.

For me it is one of the ways in which emotions and feelings can be expressed better as the time at which the image is recorded on camera, has many things, like a memory or a unique moment in the life . 


It is
 used to promote a product, most of these models althoughphotography has always focused on the product and how it is sold in larger quantities.


1)First of all, it must be to understand what is minimalism. In summary, it is an artistic movement that attempts to simplify the inclusion of elements in the images making them very simple, using the minimum to illustrate and convey. To this we must add, that has spread also to the design, music and even has become a lifestyle for some.

2)Understood what minimalism, the golden rule is simplicity.

3)As advanced in the previous section, the composition is essential to take care as it will be the one giving the sense of minimalism.

4)With the simple inclusion in the composition of a text or a person, we could be telling a story.


Is all that kind of photography dedicated to fashion, is one of the most artistic genres of fotografai because it makes the outfit not only looks good but is the model and the model have their best side for the sale of product is larger and so enjoy a good photo, simple but classy.

Studio Photography

Studio photography is one of the most professional, and used accessories like lamps, fabrics, among others. To create images focused on an object and the illumination favors the object or person, this type of photography is used most of all for artists, models and high-level advertising.