
Dancing is one way to express, before the dance was very elegant and very correct, there were different types of clothing for different types of dances, one of the most famous was the time before theballs, with the passage of that times change and the costumesbecame more vulgar and more grotesque dances and vulgar, yetthey are part of world culture and will continue to evolve slowly.

For me dancing is the best exercise and more fun to be foundbecause in dance when the body is exercised in full, and stress out,without getting bored, is the best way to have a day full of energy. 

  • One of the most passionate and sensual dance   that exist, the tangois the best dance partner to practice in and enjoy it, most times you dance with some black clothes and red as a rose detail.


Ballet is one of the most elegant dances and there are strict, it takes a lot of discipline to be practicing the same, one of the main requirements is to be thin and have a very balanced diet, another requirement is to have lots of attitude, one of negative things is that you can not enter if you are over 16 years.

house MUSIC:

Although not a type of music very danceable but as we get carried away by the music and also our body movement makes us do we relax, the house music is not only relaxing but also can lead you to have a good time with friends and getting caught up in the moment

A program that everyone likes, Dancing With The Stars ah come to have a large audience where you can see many types of dance and many famous people, not just a program where losbailes are incredible but also makes you laugh from time time, many struggle to participate but few succeed and those who manage to miss the dance have the most passion.

The waltz is one of the oldest dances and more elegant than exists in the colonial period the waltz was danced by royalty and their guests to major festivals, it was like a secuancia which as we all danced the same steps at the same time.